Reviews of At Home in Exile



"Jeung is not writing simply to share a story. He brings his unique combination of history and experience together to provide incisive perspective on Church, community, success, race, belonging and a host of other markers of identity that are inextricably linked. To pack history, cultural analysis, memoir, and spiritual reflection into one narrative that touches on so many themes often leads to a disjointed presentation, but Jeung avoids confusion.

His storytelling, humor, and honesty invite readers to engage with unlikely community and consider the potential for Christian living."


"This is a truly unique book. And the best book I've read this year. Part memoir / sociology / theology / Asian corny hilariousness. It's funny, it's educational, it's deeply moving.

It's a story that asks: What if Jesus wasn't as much an American superhero, but more like a Chinese Hakka exile (his ancestors)? What if Jesus was more like my Chinatown grandma than that powerful hipster pastor I'm always jealous of? He re-explores things like MISSION, JUSTICE, COMMUNITY, FAMILY & CALLING through this lens.

I finished this book richly proud of my Chinese ancestry, broken over the plight of disenfranchised non-model-minority Asians in the Bay Area, hopeful about what God is still doing through amazing yet mostly "invisible" people, but challenged to live my faith in a way that may run counter to the power and reward structures of our world."


'"At Home in Exile" is an example of a ministry according to the heart of God. Russell Jeung is serving the poor, troubled, needy and hungry in the slums of East Oakland, CA. Here he lives in an apartment ridden of roaches and lady bugs, as his living conditions are pretty desperate, actually. But it is all by choice: he is showing how to love and be real, how to feel better by helping others even in the most difficult circumstance. I believe that only ministries like this have a chance to turn the Millennials closer to God.'


"This book is one that will make you laugh, wonder about the sanity of the author, question whether or not we Christians understand the Gospel well enough to live it and live into it, and make you think twice before you decide you know enough about what justice looks like in urban communities and set off to save the city.

At Home in Exile is a book that won’t let go of your conscience."